It's time to Face Everything and Rise (F.E.A.R.)!


We all know what the big news is these days...

I'm going to assume that as you are reading this, you are following the new norm of "social distancing", as I am. No Unity church for me this morning (canceled). A Virtual Date with a friend last night vs. meeting in a restaurant. A webinar today which takes the place of an in-person Meet-up.

Is this true for you? There was a defining moment when all this talk about COVID-19 became very real for me personally.

I stopped in at my local grocery store a few nights ago after working out. With surprise, I nabbed the very last available grocery cart. The store was packed. In amazement, I witnessed what I had only read about in the news. All the aisles with meats, bread, and yes...toilet paper, were stripped bare. They were empty.

I felt like I was in a movie...a very surreal one. Everyone was acting reasonably, but I could feel that underneath the normal behavior, fear lurked. Bigtime fear. Huge, crazy fear.

I will admit that I was really shaken. In that moment, I was very conscious of my age...68, well into the "at risk" category. I experienced my aloneness. I felt small and unseen.

I experienced a sense of impending catastrophe...a throwback, I've since realized, to a familiar feeling from my childhood.

(I'm curious if anyone else experienced this...I'd love to hear.)

In the 48 hours since that happened, I experienced a whole range of emotions, which can be captured by the above quote from Zig Zigler:

"F.E.A.R. has two meanings: 'Forget Everything And Run' or 'Face Everything And Rise.' The choice is yours."

I see now that my surreal moment in the grocery store threw me into a Forget Everything And Run mode, which briefly meant wallowing in the negative news cycle, feeling anxiety and falling into catastrophizing.

Until...I gained awareness. Until..I caught myself.

Now, I've shifted to a Face Everything And Rise attitude. And I am here to tell you...this is the way to go, lol!

Here is my checklist:

  • Be responsible and do what is necessary to take care of yourself (social distancing, stockpiling, cleanliness, creating “safe space” etc). There's lots of information out there about this, so I won't repeat it. But do it!

  • Choose your thoughts. Decide what you will take in. Distance yourself from social media and the news.

  • Focus on gratitude and all the good that you have...right now! I know that there's lot of good in your life, just like there is in mine.

  • Meditate. Just 10 minutes 2-3 times a day will positively impact your immune system in astounding ways. Watch this 6-minute Youtube video by Joe Dispenza ( on the power of gratitude and meditation on our immune system.

  • Move your body and B-R-E-A-T-H-E. Dance, stretch, exercise, breathe...all will help you to RISE and raise your vibration!

  • Connect with others. Especially in this time of social distancing, we can and must reach out. Call your friends and family. Connect via live video chats...Facetime, Skype, Zoom. Isolation can be a time for self-reflection and getting lots of s*** done, or it can encourage depression and negativity. Know yourself and what you need.

    I am here ready to meet more of you on my Virtual Coffee Chats, ( so please...continue to take me up on these. I'm loving them...

    One more important item for my checklist on how to Face Everything And Rise...

    Appreciate beauty in your life. Take a walk and appreciate Mother Nature and her beauty. Walk around your home and find beauty in your surroundings. Appreciate your pets and your children and your grand babies. Appreciate an inspiring movie or documentary.

    There is actually great opportunity for change during times like these. Our fear is a gateway which shows us what needs to be healed. Believe it or not, we can actually be grateful for fear because it shows us the way.

    I shared with you the feeling of "impending doom" that got triggered in me with this pandemic. I have seen it as an opportunity to clear this very old childhood pattern on an even deeper level than I already have.

    So yay! Isn't it great?? Let's celebrate the opportunity to learn and live with grace and boldness!

    Click below to schedule your Free Virtual Coffee Chat with me and let's talk, ok?

    Sending love and friendship to each of you, Rose